Wednesday, September 7, 2011


SMASH is a fantastic homeschool group that does Shakespeare plays. SMASH stands for Southern Maine Association of Shakespearean Homeschoolers. Pastor Sam Richards is the director and founder of SMASH.
(From left to right) Ben, Sarah and Pastor Sam
Above is a picture of Pastor Sam directing Sarah how to act like Bottom in A Midsummer Night's Dream.

I have been doing SMASH for about 6 years. My first play was The Merchant of Venice and I played Stephano, I was stage crew for Twelfth Night, Photographer for Love's Labours Lost, Sampson in Romeo and Juliet, Juno in The Tempest, and a fairy named Dewdrop and an attendant to Hippolyta  in A Midsummer Night's Dream. This year in SMASH we are doing Much Ado About Nothing and I have a small part named George Seacoal. I'm really excited to do this play. It's definitely one of Shakespeare's best!

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