On Sunday we went to church! I was blowing my nose all through out the church service because I have a cold. But, I believe the sermon was about God being in control.
After church the Kidd's invited us over to visit. First, we went to Hannaford to get some groceries. When we got the Kidd's house we ate lunch and watch a little kid movie called Jakers. That was cute. After the movie, Billy, Millie and Kevin played Risk while Shannon and I taught Gracie, Darby, and Lilly how to play President (the link to President isn't exactly how we play President but it's pretty close). Once Millie, Kevin and Billy finished Risk, they joined our game. We had President, Vice President, Positive Neutral, Negative Neutral, Vice Scum, and Scum. The Neutrals subbed in with the extra people we had so everyone could play. We played President until it was time to leave.
We were the first ones to arrive at the Richards' besides Malia. Eventually, Nick, Joel, Kenan, Mrs. Estes, Olivia, Evan, and Mr. Stuart showed up. We played Round Robin Ping Pong. I absolutely LOVE that game. You have two paddles in the game but anywhere from 3-10 or so people can play. Let's say we have 8 people playing, one person on each end and three people on each side of the Ping Pong table. One person on the end starts with the ball, serves it, and moves to the side of the table while the person to the server's left comes and takes their spot. You pretty much go in a circle around the Ping Pong table hitting the Ping Pong ball once and then you move away. If you miss the ball or hit the ball twice on your side of the table or hit it too hard and it completely misses the table then you're out. Once it's down to two people you just spin around after you hit the ball. You get pretty dizzy after awhile. It is SO much fun!
This is kind of a random video but it shows how Round Robin Ping Pong goes most of the time. I got a bruise on my hip from running into the corner of the Ping Pong table during one round. I think I came in second that round anyway. :)
After quite some time, people played Spoons, President, or actual games of Ping Pong, or just talked. Eventually we all played Ninja! I came in second like once and then I got out pretty fast in all the other rounds of Ninja. Billy, Tucker, Joel and sometimes Kenan would be the Ninjas that last the longest. I think Billy won the most. Before we left, we circled up, some people shared things they learned in church that day or that God taught them through out the week. We closed in prayer, then left. Thank you Richards' family for hosting it!
My cold is almost better already! :D
Sounds like a lot of fun! Can't wait to see y'all tomorrow!