Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pictures of Beauties

Here are pictures of beautiful Adeline!

She. is. adorable!

Corrie's senior pictures were a success! She's so pretty! Here are a few of my favorite shots.
Sorry, this one is sideways.

Corrie had to incorporate drawing into her senior pictures.

My favorite one is the first one. She has beautiful eyes! There are alot more pictures but you'l have to ask Corrie to see those.
If you ever want to do your Senior pictures I highly recommend Vaughan Woods! It's beautiful!


  1. they are both adorable! I agree with you I like the first photo the best so far!

  2. Congratulations Auntie Colleen! She's a beauty!
    And I CAN'T WAIT to see the rest of Corrie's senior photos- you did a grand job with the three above. Corrie is such a lovely young lady- both in appearance and character.

  3. I love these pictures of Adaline!!
    And thank you so much ladies! You three are such a blessing. :)
