Thursday, January 19, 2012

First Scene!

I get to do my FIRST scene today! We've been rehearsing for quite awhile now but today I actually get to do a scene! I'M SO EXCITED! I have about four lines in this scene but that's okay. I'm in both casts so I'll get to say m y lines twice, I guess.

In case you didn't know, I'm playing a dumb volunteer police officer (a watchmen) named George Seacoal. Yesterday, after SMASH, Mom, Billy, Anna and I went shopping for shoes at Goodwill for our characters. We were only shopping for Billy and I though, because Anna is going to borrow Shannon's black boots from last years play. Billy got "menacing" (according to Mrs. Phillips) black leather boots, and me brown sillyish (for Shakespearean times) shoes. They're very similar to hiking boots. They are also a size and a half too big so they look clunky which Mrs. Phillips likes. :)


  1. And you did GREAT! The Watchmen are going to be awesome! hahaha...and I can't wait to see your boots. :p I still need to get my little black flats...
