Monday, September 26, 2011

A Short Visit with the Richards Family

On Friday evening after my soccer game, we headed to Augusta for a Benefit Concert that Shannon and some other SMASHer's were a part of. Billy, Mom, Dad and I were really late because of our games so we only saw the very last event at the concert which was Joel playing the piano. When the concert was over we all went downstairs for refeshments. :) When us SMASHer's finished our refreshments we went outside and played ninja, sang random songs, and talked a bit. When it was time to leave for the Richards, Mrs. Richards drove up where everyone was hanging out and Rebecca, Tucker, and I got in the car.

When we got to the Richards, I took a shower because I hadn't gotten a chance to shower after my game, and then we talked downstairs with Bonnie and Taylor for a bit. After Bonnie and Taylor left, Tucker, Rebecca and I listened to some music on Tucker's iPod, then Rebecca and I went to bed.

The next day, Rebecca and I made banana bread french toast. It was SO good! After breakfast, Rebecca and I listened to music while we cleaned the house a little. Rebecca put things away and I swept a couple rooms. Rebecca then played some songs on the piano for me. She also went to go print some music sheets of off a website so Tucker and I played the card game 31 for a very short time until it was time to leave.

Mrs. Richards, Rebecca, Tucker and I went to the Smith's "to be" house. They are building a brand new one. Rebecca and I painted two ceilings, held baby Matthias, ate delicious chilli, cookies, grapes, and I played fetch with the Smith's dog named Libby (short for Liberty). Dad came and picked me up around 4:30pm. It was alot of fun! Thanks Richards family for having me! :D

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